Clean Crave

Healthy, yummy recipes!

Why Eat Healthy?

Increased energy and concentration

Healthy food can give our energy and concentration levels a boost which is vital for when studying long hours. Mental energy is so important for when exam season comes around.

Improved sleep

Trying to sleep whilst stressed can be so difficult, but fueling our body with the right foods can make falling asleep easier and make our sleep better.

A positive impact on your mood

Being a student is not only about studying and exams, it's about meeting new people and trying new things. This can be difficult when you're not in the mood or feeling lazy. Eat well and you won't have this problem.

Brain food Gallery
An image of peanuts and walnuts
An image of mixed fruits
An image of crudites
An image of raw tuna
An image of dark chocolate
An image of oats